Welcome to the Department of Plant Biology at the University of Georgia! We provide an open, inclusive and supportive intellectual environment for students, postdocs, staff and faculty to identify and address cross-cutting fundamental challenges in plant and fungal biology. We pride ourselves in the breadth and depth of training opportunities in both research and teaching. Our faculty includes internationally recognized researchers advancing knowledge of biological processes acting at all scales, from biochemical and molecular to our global ecosystem. Many of our faculty have interdisciplinary research programs that span multiple traditionally-defined research domains. In addition to plant and fungal biology, our program includes experts in insect evolutionary biology, computational biology, and discipline-based science education, providing our students with a unique breadth of opportunities in their professional training and research. The Plant Biology major is designed to give students a broad understanding of plant and/or fungal biology relevant to current environmental and societal challenges - and thus relevant to jobs. It includes several core classes similar to a biology major (e.g. genetics, evolution), but provides the flexibility to build an interdisciplinary program of study from a broader range of courses. Students can pursue an emphasis in either Plant Ecology & Environment, Plant Biotechnology & Bioinformatics, or Plants & Microbes.